Saturday 31 January 2009

Saturday in the workshop

When I am at shows or get into conversations with people about guitar making, one of the frequent questions asked is. Is your workshop always as tidy as shown in your book "Step by Step Guitar Making".

I always answer yes and no. Because my workshop is small, at 12 x 8 feet, I need to keep it tidy so I can work neatly. By the end of the day, especially after a very intense time of working it looks like this.

This picture was taken today at lunchtime. The guitar in the vice having its purfling and binding fitted is a 635mm cutaway OM in Brazilian Rosewood. It will be ready in time for the Cheltenhan Folk Festival on May 22nd to 25th.

Full details of all of my guitars, including prices and additional photographs, is available by email,

The guitar with the rubber banding is another OM being made for Bob Axford, it is due for delivery at the end of February. The two necks in the background are for a LEFT HANDED 000 in Indian Rosewood while the one below is for a 00, also in Indian Rosewood. Both of these guitars will be at Cheltenham, unless sold before. One of the sets of bent ribs above the necks is for a CM guitar in Indian Rosewood. The guitar back just showing behind the OM cutaway is for another one of my Parlour Guitars, this one is being made from extremely figured Cocobolo. This one may not be ready for the show but I do have one that is. New for me this year will be a Tenor guitar. It is going to have a scale length of 584mm and a 00 sized body made from highly figured Walnut.


  1. Brilliant workshop photo. Makes me want to start a new career as a luthier...

  2. Speaking as one who saw you demonstrate your materials and techniques at the Jenny in Hastings last year, I can just imagine what a fascinating place it is when you're at work there.
